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Enthusiasm High for Debut of Environmental Humanities Major

August 30, 2024
Shakespeare in Yosemite
UC Merced's Shakespeare in Yosemite program is an example of using the humanities to make messages about the environmental accessible.

More than 170 students have enrolled this fall for classes in UC Merced’s new environmental humanities major, a degree that will prepare them to be advocates and storytellers for the living world.

The debut of the bachelor of arts degree is the culmination of years of preparation by faculty and staff in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts. The work continued over this summer, as faculty worked with a UC Merced alumna Emily Reyes to interview professionals such as environmental lawyers and artists for insights into careers and best practices.

The major was borne out of a need to develop communicators who can speak and write in a compelling voice about environmental issues and research. Students will be prepared for careers ranging from science writers to environmental lawyers and from political advisers to interpretive park rangers.

Environmental humanities Professor Bristin Jones, the program coordinator, is teaching this fall’s introductory class in the major.

“Our biggest environmental problems today already have scientific solutions,” Jones said. “The missing link, which this innovative program fills, is creating engaging and accurate communication about these solutions.”

Jones has taken the extra step of leading Carson House, a Living Learning Community for students interested in sustainability and the environment. LLCs unite UC Merced students with similar interests and educational goals.

The environmental humanities degree, also offered as a minor, will develop students’ acumen in storytelling, creativity, critical thinking and audience sensitivity. They will become familiar with fields of environmental research and pay special attention to perspectives of indigenous and Black voices and other people of color.

What’s New with SSHA

In addition to this new major, the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts has several enhancements to its undergraduate offerings for fall 2024: